Who is the Son of God?

Merlin CochranUncategorized

Jesus loves each of us and wants to know us, and for us to grow through knowing and loving Him. In the New Testament book of Mark, the very first words are, “The beginning of the … Read More

Road Trip

Merlin CochranUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Though I don’t own my own motorcycle… yet… I have a love for them. Actually, I lied a bit. I own along with my brother a 1950’s early 60’s (we are researching the year) Ducati, … Read More

Life Restored

Merlin CochranUncategorized

Life is hard
Life is demanding.
Life has unexpected twists and turns.
Life sometimes gives you a pile of old parts.

One Year Ago

WebDoctorUncategorizedLeave a Comment

One year ago, today, the governor of Texas, called for all non-essential businesses to start a work from home order. And Essential business to implement a 10-person limit with social distancing and face protection. And … Read More

Brand Change

WebDoctorUncategorizedLeave a Comment

On March 1, 2020, Journey with Jesus Ministries is becoming Journey with Jesus Ministry. Since 2012 we have been operating as Journey with Jesus Ministries, however, due to other ministries with similar names, organized with … Read More

Seeking the Holy Spirit

Merlin CochranUncategorized

“After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:31, NLT I was in awe as I stepped … Read More