Though I don’t own my own motorcycle… yet… I have a love for them. Actually, I lied a bit. I own along with my brother a 1950’s early 60’s (we are researching the year) Ducati, in parts (see my last post). This past weekend my family after being isolated for COVID19 protocols for two weeks decided to take a road trip with our car. We shared the road with some 50,000 plus motorcycles that came into town for the Lake George NY Americade, the nation’s largest multi-brand motorcycle rally. Since it was canceled in 2020 due to the pandemic, and postponed from June 2021 to September 2021 the numbers were probably according to the local paper 75,000 riders.
The fall foliage was beautiful and the conversations were plenty. We went north into Vermont taking a ferry across Lake Champlain back into New York. Then North toward Plattsburg and then turned back south to Au Sable Chasm and then towards Lake Placid south on US Route 9N.

As we’re driving along with several bikes also taking a road trip. Our discussion turned to the fall foliage and the fall that caused it. Even though this time of year is beautiful up in the North East US, the beauty is caused by the death of the leaves the fall off the tree because the tree is protecting itself from the winter and cannot sustain the leaves. It made us wonder if all this beauty is here because of sin. What beauty does God have for us on the new earth for those who love to take road trips through the forests turning red, orange, and yellow? In fact, Jesus says he has something better for us 100 times more than now.
He says in Matthew 19:29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. (NKJV)
100 times more and eternal life too. OH WOW! Thank you Lord Jesus for the Journey with you.